This is my website, photo and video gallery after sometime with Joomla (10 years) I decided to change to Word Press for a more blog/post style of website just to make it easier to update and to post life updates.
So updates to my life are in the Blog posts And the Photo Gallery is on another
website linked here.
Out to Lunch with the old ducks
Just been shopping with Tracey, Nana and Aunty Morreen and decided to stop into the Orion hotel for lunch.
So it’s the last Friday before Christmas 🎁 and we are starting to wrap things up, I’ve still got to work Saturday morning and then come home and mow the lawns before
Sunday Dinner Chicken Rotisserie
Tonight I decided to use my BBQ Rotisserie and cook a chicken. I started by stuffing the chicken with some fresh herbs (rosemary & sage) then skewered and placed on the BBQ to
Nidan Grading
Well after many years of training and allot of injury’s and some time off, I have finally graded to nidan (2dn dan) in Tora Kai Karate. I started my journey at camira dojo wi
Decided to upgrade to fibre, Called Aussie Broadband on Monday said will take 4-6 weeks to complete, message will be there Wednesday morning. NBN tech arrived 10am and said we̵
Sunday 1st of December
So after going out to breakfast with family then a dump run, it’s time to put up the Xmas tree. I’m not helping ? well may be some of the led lights and organising the
R.I.P Dad
Today I lost my farther, I have known for some time dad was sick and it wasn’t going to be far until his journey through life was at it final stage. it still comes hard knowi